Directed by: Shubhashish Bhutiani
Staring: Adil Hussain, Lalit Behl, Geetanjali Kulkarni
This delightful Indian art house film combines humour, insight,wit, empathy and humanity. The two main protagonists are superb. Former schoolteacher, Daya, is convinced he is dying and books into a hotel by the Ganges for 15 days which is set up specifically for the dying, and run by the eccentric Mishraji. He is accompanied begrudgingly on this trip by his overworked and sceptical middle aged son Rajiv. Celebrating life on the edge of death (The Times) it explores the conflicts of parenting and living in a witty and unsentimental way. Bhutiani also gently paints a picture of a modern India unveiling the strain between technology and tradition, as well as generational differences. Vibrant and vivid, the locations within the film are also a visual treat.