Our January film was another skiing one. This time the voting scores were some of the best we have had from an almost full house. Everyone appreciated the story of the dedication of Eddie the Eagle Edwards in learning how to ski jump despite financial limitations and hurdles put in his way by the official skiing body. Eddie has described the film as being about 5% accurate but it does capture the essence of his struggles with some humorous moments along the way. There is probably another story to be made of how Eddie subsequently made and spent a lot of money acquired from his fame and ended up back as a plasterer.
We also showed a beautifully shot short film by a local director telling the story of a tragedy when a child member of the family in the 19th century was badly burned and died soon after.
We are now trying to run a non-profit bar at each screening with a small selection of drinks. (The gin and tonics sold out quickly!). We have tried to be green and now have reusable glasses so please make sure these are returned to the bar if you take them into the auditorium.
It is coming up to film selection time for 2017-18 so please let us know of any suggestions for our programme.